Saturday, July 19, 2014

Ketty's Subdivision soon to be published

check out my book cover of my new science fiction novel at

Saturday, January 11, 2014


The beauty of innocence is brutally attractive, when we create something from deep withing our hearts and make ourselves vulnerable, it strikes at the heart of Jesus and produces the most beautiful sound!


The beauty of innocence is brutally attractive, when we create something from deep withing our hearts and make ourselves vulnerable, it strikes at the heart of Jesus and produces the most beautiful sound!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

strung out at the universal edge

A man and a woman board an immaculate space ship and begin traveling towards the edge of the universe. They accelerate to light speed and beyond, then eventually break the speed of light squared. All is well in the cosmos as space contracts and their velocity approaches infinity. They are in need of nothing, and the collapse core at the heart of their ship pumps easily through the vastness of space. Finally they reach the end of the distant string galaxy, the very beginning of time. They have caught up with the leading edge of the big bang. They turn and listen to the first breath of God, and he says, "I have been behind you all the time."

Monday, September 5, 2011


            Back on the bridge the ship moved towards the Dark Matter threshold, accelerating to its maximum velocity, the shroud of mighty neutrino’s formed their space bending shroud around the ship. The two gravity wells of Messier 87 and the Milky Way Galaxy were irresistibly drawn together at one point in time, for the briefest moment the ship accelerated to an unknown velocity approaching infinity. It was unreasonable for a man to understand how fast they went, or how many neutrinos were involved, or how many atoms existed in the universe. Where counting ended, worship began and man could praise God for the wonder of it all. Geneset stood with one foot on technology and the other in eternity, poised on the brink of understanding all there was to know. A moment in a mans life that defines who he is and what he stands for. He knew the only obstacle left was the hardness of his heart. One brittle chip that would bring him face to face with his maker. Above all else he was determined, as every man and woman is, to find that place that he can finally call home. He stayed that way for what seemed a long time, content to know there was more and he would find it some day....

            From the first note that spread out over the crowd, the people of Mandaria were swept away by the presence of God for the first time in twenty nine thousand years. For two and a half hours they were ruined, and when the final note fell, they had forgotten why they were here. Then I stepped to the microphone and proclaimed to them. “Men and women of Mandaria, I stand before you today in honor of the greatest Empire known to man. You have worshipped science and technology as god and he has served you well. Let us rejoice in that while at the same time looking to the future. It is only a matter of time before the living God comes back to search you out, and through me, I proclaim today as that day. I propose a new beginning where the honor to choose ones destiny is paramount above all else. Let me share with you a God of love and power that doesn’t live in our achievements but resides within our soul. Let us worship in freedom and truth, without shame or regrets. Ladies and gentleman, thank you for attending and enjoy the rest of your evening.”
            It was the shortest sermon in universal history, but I had finally found the courage to proclaim the message I had come so far to deliver. Many were changed that day and word spread through out the galaxy. Meanwhile, the fleet pressed on, unaware of impending doom...

            Her strong desire for life flowed from her hart with the depth of an unknown vastness. She was swept away with the hope of more than all she had ever known. The pleasure of reckless abandon tugged at her heart with the throbbing of a drum beat. Where did such hope spring from? What was the source of hope beyond the science that allowed for complete control of every aspect of her existence? Aging wasn’t an issue, health; strength, beauty, wealth, even emotional stress and depression were little more than a footnote in the archives of Mandarian history. Such perfection felt fatally flawed in some deep recess of her soul. The gentle strumming of a guitar drifted up from her subconscious and made her wonder how there wasn’t something more. Every mystery had an answer known through science and technology. It was all fit together so perfectly, with no room for error and nothing left to chance. And the existence of God had been disproved systematically long ago.
            Neural sensors gently lifted her form the dream while memory training maps rapidly flowed through her neural network, reinforcing the fifth principal of knowledge; all things are known because we know them. Warning algorithms cautioned her about the nature of her dream state, but she knew she was below the reporting threshold and she received them with her normal grace. They were like a system of checks and balances since the desire for thoughts contrary to knowledge had been phased out through a thousand generations of genetic modification.
            It was freedom that made her society so stable. Everyone was guaranteed freedom of thought and expression; but the desire for anything spiritual had been phased out long ago.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Two point seven trillion stars, most with planets orbiting them. The suns without habitable planets were supplied new ones as massive space tugs maneuvered uninhabited planets into the goldilocks zone where terra forming could begin. It was at the point where raw materials could be produced in unlimited supply that the empire flourished. Nothing stood in the way of progress and they were content to stay within the confines of their own galaxy.
            Every solar system, regardless of the number of planets, was allowed one seat in parliament, with one democratic vote, constrained only by the Mandarian constitution. The first article was the establishment of science and technology as the universal standard upholding the empire. Their society was based on this one unalienable right of all citizens to be free to express themselves in this way. There were no amendments, no laws to contradict, and no supreme court to question article one. It had been, was, and always would be the way the empire ran. For twenty six thousand years it had been the successful bedrock of society that allowed each individual to flourish.
            There were die hard conservatives who aimed to keep everything running smoothly, no matter what the cost, and Greenholze was their unofficial leader. When he had left for Earth about three years ago, he implemented some new programs that had successfully been completed by now. The first of these was a massive flotilla of Draconian star destroyers, fully operational with supply and docking facilities. Mandaria had its largest military in history.
            Today was like any other day at work for Crance Birkmin, dropping out of hyper space, he coasted the massive space tug known as Star Queen into a geosynchronous orbit around the blue ball below. He was a rotund man, unashamed of his massive girth, with a clean shaved face and flat topped hair cut. His head appeared wider than it was tall, coupled with no neck, he wasn’t a pretty man. Eight hundred years old and alone, he was the best tug pilot in the galaxy.
            His home was an old shack out in a forgotten swamp; the few days a year he spent there were spent in solitude because he liked it that way. He had no family but his blood line would continue artificially. He was a special breed for a special job. On the surface what he did seemed easy. The Star Queen was big, equipped with an enormous gyroscope made of density flux material, it attached itself to a stellar body by a gravity lock device. By focusing on the planets core, the ship would increase the gravity field strength exponentially by using the mass of the planet as a power source. Once locked in, the ship relied on standard collapse-core technology to drive it forward. This is where Crance’s skill came in. his main tools of the trade were a sophisticated high speed guidance computer and the joy stick. Once moving forward the gyroscope would apply steering pressure to guide the planet into position. The trick was to release the planet with the correct speed, trajectory, rotation, and tilt to send it orbiting perfectly.
            Crance was an expert with over six hundred years experience under his belt. Today was no different than all the rest. He formed a calloused attitude long ago because in his job things died. Plants, animals, insects, bacteria, even humans. There was always someone or something left behind that refused to leave or was overlooked. It never changed, it was a calculated loss, an acceptable risk in the name of progress. Why should he care anyway? He had put it out of his mind after the first time and never gave it a second thought. He was part of the Mandarian dream, building the empire one system at a time, an indispensable tool he was told, which is why he followed orders and never questioned why.
            His only true companion was the flight computer who one might say was his mistress, he preferred old lady.
            “Emma, why do you suppose those two Draconian star destroyers are escorting us on this job, we’ve never needed protection before?”
            “It would appear they want to ensure we have no interference or, make sure we complete the job.”
            He loved she was smarter than him, “very thoughtful of you. Those are the most beautiful ships I have ever seen, they look to displace about one sixteenth a lunar unit, wouldn’t you say?”
            “That is a very close guess, sir.”
            Should I go over a see if I can move one around?” he chuckled at the joke she wouldn’t get. “Let’s get this done girl.”
            He moved in the proper distance, keeping his display set to wire mesh as he always did. This kept him from getting emotionally attached to his work as would happen with a full color image. Today would be by the book, hookup, move the planet, and get out. He knew of Seaberia, for many years there was a debate about terra-forming it into something useful but the council always had some excuse why it wasn’t feasible. He was glad to see it happen. As he clamped the planet it continued to spin while he engaged his thrusters to full and slowly moved the blue ball closer to the sun.
            He could feel the hum of the massive gyroscopes as they spun up to an unknown speed, he was told it was one point five million revolutions per minute; all he knew was it got the job done. This put the surface velocity of the outter edge of the wheel approaching light speed. If it were to come loose from its mounting it would careen wildly into space, destroying anything in its path, an unstoppable juggernaut that might never stop. The bearings that supported the structure were exposed to space, air friction would burn the superconducting magnetic bearing in seconds. Once up to speed, the flux density of the Beriterium metal was increased to match the planetary mass. From there Emma took over, applying feather pressure at the bearing hub which caused the massive exertion that steered the planet. Seaberia was destined for a close solar orbit.
            The life sensor alarm sounded as the planet passed beyond acceptable limits. He turned it off without looking at the population density, again a habit that kept him isolated from the appalling truth of what he did.
            “Acceptable risks, right Emma?”
            “As you always say, sir.”
            Within an hour he sent the ball spinning towards the sun where it would naturally engage its new orbit, boil off the excess water and leave a clean foundation for the terra-formers. He turned his ship and made haste for the solar edge where he could jump to light speed and get to his next job.


A new alien race
            Chet have never seen anything like it. A new species of alien unlike any ever imagined, it was the first of its kind for human contact. It was all curved lines and tight muscles over a full flex skeleton with multiple joints. Attractive in a repulsive kind of way, thought Chet, he couldn't stop staring. When it stared back and smiled Chet nearly crapped his pants. The deep wisdom was there, knowledge beyond his twenty years of comprehension, it was an enigma of genetic creativity on someone’s part. Built for life in space, it was able to bio-flex its own muscle groups for fitness. When it moved, the tension under it’s skin turned his stomach. if it had a weakness Chet couldn't see it. Mating rituals were a one track ticket to death, he was sure of that. It moved and was in his face, very quick. Chet held his ground as tight nostrils flared with a sharp hiss. For want of something better to do, Chet stuck out his tongue and what passed for a smile crossed lips like a razors edge. The eyes sucked him in and he almost got lost, but it blinked. On purpose? Yes, he was sure of that.
            Clicks and whistles assaulted his ears as it tried to communicate. A translator was out of the question here, Chet drew a picture, and they talked a few words in an hour. For being so sophisticated this was stupid.
            Chet look down to see splayed toes fanned out like webbed feet, half again as long as the rest of its foot. Massive nails the size of a shovel protected those extremities in the event of hand to hand combat. The sleek muscles bulged around double back flex joints giving this thing more knuckles than a broken prize fighter. He  knew it could run fast, its movements were like graceful silk, fluid and steady. For now He was damn happy they were friends, but would it last when Chet told it he had killed its child?
            A strange melody emanated from somewhere, tunes and emotions blending to form a sweet spot beyond his mind, from that place where matter and spirit meet. He was touched in that deep place beyond nostalgia. It was a tangible experience and when he cupped his ears the sound continued. It was a haunting melody that built from a forlorn past up to a majestic eternity. Chet heard the story and knew generations of struggle that cost dearly, but finally there was victory and now the song moved up into present tense, telling of a chance meeting between two universes that should have never happened. The death of a child and soon there would be war. It knew what he had done and he saw flashes of blood lust in those eyes, mingled with a weary notion that said, “I though the battle was over.” Chet was sucked in again and in that moment he knew only one of them would come out alive.